DOI: 10.1063/5.0053825
This paper proposes a synchronous demodulation technology based on sample-and-hold (SH), which shows significant advantages in the application of precision sensors. The traditional synchronous demodulation methods are discussed, and then the working principle of the proposed method is theoretically analyzed in detail. It is found that the proposed method can effectively suppress the harmonic components caused by the signal source, but is also benefit to improve the dynamic range of precision sensors. Eddy current sensor is adopted as an example of precision sensors, and a high-precision eddy current displacement sensor prototype was designed and tested. The results show that with the proposed method, the harmonics in the output signal are suppressed more effectively, and the demodulation circuit is relatively simplified. This synchronous demodulation method has an extensive application prospect in precision sensors.
在不同-3dB截止频率低通滤波器滤波的情况下,本文中提出的采样保持解调方法(红色曲线)和传统相敏检波方法(蓝色曲线)对输入正弦信号的解调结果(频谱)。(a)截止频率为0.1kHz;(b) 截止频率为10kHz;(c) 截止频率为100kHz;(d)输入信号的频谱。
