The insulating performance of SF6 gas gap is a core propertyforits efficient utilization and exhaust gas treatment. Therefore, it is very important to study the influencing factors of the insulating performance of SF6 gas gap. Due to the inevitable dust particles in the production and maintenance environment of SF6 gas equipment, this paper studies the influence of dust particles on the insulating performance of SF6 gas in a small gap at atmospheric pressure. The experimental results indicate that in the laboratory environment, the dust particles are numerous and large in size, they adhere to the surface of electrodes, whichresults in a non-negligible local enhancement of the electric field between small-gap electrodes and reduces the insulating performance of SF6 gas; In a Class 1000 clean room environment, the dust particles are few in number and small in size, which can hardly change the uniform electric field between electrodes and have little influence on the insulating performance of SF6 gas in a small gap. So that the dust particles have a non-negligible influence on the insulating performance of SF6 gas in a small gap at atmospheric pressure, and the insulating performance of SF6 gas in a small gap can be changed by controlling the content of dust particles in the gas. This provides valuable guidance for the utilization of SF6 gas and the treatment of SF6 waste gas.
SF6气隙的绝缘性能是其有效利用和废气处理的核心性能。 因此,研究影响SF6气隙绝缘性能的影响因素非常重要。 由于SF6气体设备在生产和维护环境中不可避免地存在灰尘颗粒,本文研究灰尘颗粒对常压小间隙SF6气体间隙绝缘性能的影响。 实验结果表明,在实验室环境中,尘粒数量多、体积大,它们附着在电极表面,导致小间隙电极间产生不可忽略的电场局部增强,降低了气隙绝缘性; 在1000级洁净室环境中,粉尘颗粒数量少、体积小,几乎对电极间电场的均匀性不影响,对微小间隙内SF6气体的绝缘性能影响很小。 可见灰尘颗粒对大气压下小间隙SF6气体绝缘性能的影响不可忽略,通过控制气体中灰尘颗粒的含量可以改变小间隙SF6气体的绝缘性能 . 这为SF6气体的利用和SF6废气的处理提供了有价值的指导。

图1 在普通实验室制作的平行平板电极的实验数据:(a)电极之间的电压,(b)放电回路中的电流

图2 在千级无尘室中制作的平行平板电极的实验数据:(a)电极之间的电压,(b)放电回路中的电流