Junjian Zhang. A miniature standing wave linear ultrasonic motor
发布人:樊凯  发布时间:2022-02-18   浏览次数:252

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sna.2021.113113


A miniature linear ultrasonic motor that utilizes the principle of coupling the first-order longitudinal vibration mode with the second-order bending vibration mode is proposed, which is currently the smallest linear ultrasonic actuator that uses this principle in the known literature. The dimensions of the prototype stator with two piezoelectric elements are approximately  mm3, and the mass is 80 mg. In this paper, we introduced the design process in detail and evaluated the performance of the miniature motor. The proposed miniature motor has a simple and compact structure and can drive the runner bidirectionally at a fixed frequency. At a voltage of 20 Vp-p and an optimal frequency of 583.5 kHz, the motor can generate a linear velocity of 81.1 mm/s and a driving force of above 5.7 gf, the output performance is relatively satisfactory. The piezoelectric miniature motor has a wide range of applications due to its small size, simple structure, and relative superior driving capability, such as micro-lens drivers in imaging devices.


  本文提出了一种利用一阶纵向振动模态与二阶弯曲振动模态相耦合原理的微型直线超声电机,是目前已知文献中最小的采用该原理的直线超声致动器。带有两个压电元件的定子原型尺寸约为 mm3,质量为 80 mg。在本文中,我们详细介绍了设计过程并评估了微型电机的性能。所提出的微型电机结构简单紧凑,能够以固定频率双向驱动转子。在20 Vp-p的激励电压和583.5 kHz的驱动频率下,电机可以产生81.1 mm/s的线速度和5.7 gf以上的驱动力,输出性能相对令人满意。压电微型电机因其体积小、结构简单、驱动能力相对优越而具有广泛的应用,例如成像设备中的微透镜驱动器。


  文章测出的电机的速度和效率与负载的关系曲线如下图所示,其中电压为 20 Vp-p,驱动频率为 583.5 kHz。当负载增加时,滑块的速度几乎呈线性下降,效率先上升后下降。最高效率约为 3.1%,负载为 2.64 gf,速度为 31.7 mm/s,具有实用价值。例如,所产生的推力对于移动小型物体是实用的,例如微透镜模块、小型机器人关节和微型传感器。


1. 微型样机重量约80mg,体积约7.2mm3,是目前最小的利用一阶纵向振动模态与二阶弯曲振动模态相耦合原理的线性超声致动器。

2. 所提出的微型电机体积小、结构简单、驱动能力相对优越,具有广泛的应用,例如成像设备中的微透镜驱动器。